A current account credit gives companies and the self-employed the opportunity to overdraw their account within an individually defined framework. As a result, companies, and tradespeople can access additional liquidity reserves quickly and flexibly. The companies are completely free to decide on the amount of the claim, the intended use, or the time of the repayment.

Are you looking for a financing partner for an overdraft facility? Let’s take a look further so that you may be able to find the right facility for your overdraft needs.

Read also: Loan Calculator: Finding Low-Cost Financing

What is an overdraft facility?

From a legal point of view, an overdraft facility is a loan that a house bank or credit institution grants to a business customer. Such a loan is usually used by companies, start-ups, or the self-employed and is a popular financing option for medium-sized companies.

The overdraft facility defines a credit limit for commercial checking accounts that must be contractually agreed upon separately between the institute and the account holder. Essential formalities such as term, credit line, loan interest, or any collateral are determined individually. After the credit line has been set up, the overdraft facility is freely available to the account holder.

A current account credit offers these advantages

  • Short-term availability After a one-off agreement with the bank, the overdraft facility can be used at any time and without any further conditions.
  • High flexibility A current account credit is not earmarked and can therefore be used for all types of payments or financing.
  • Lasting liquidity reserve Over the entire period that the overdraft facility is granted, it can be used in part or in full.
  • No costs if not used The overdraft facility is an overdraft facility that is granted to a company. If this framework is not used, there are no (interest) costs.

NET 30 Account – Another Form Of Credit Available To Businesses

The term net 30 account is a type of credit that is normally reserved for businesses but can also be offered to individuals. This type of account requires the customer to pay their balance within 30 days of receiving their invoice. See Simple approval NET 30 Accounts to give you more leverage in your credit needs.

A net 30 account is a type of credit that is normally reserved for businesses but can also be offered to individuals. This type of account requires the customer to pay their balance within 30 days of receiving their invoice.


There are various credit assistance available to businesses of all kinds. While working with a NET 30 account helps the business with their cash flow, a current account gives flexibility and liquidity for businesses to expand their businesses in divided terms.