Business Processes: Track & Manage Finances

Lean, flexible and efficient processes are the foundation of successful companies. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a service provider or manufacturing company, medium-sized company or corporation, the digitization and automation of processes has arrived in organizations of all industries and sizes. With all-in-one platform, you can track, control and manage the finances of your business.

How do you benefit from the monitoring of your business processes?

Process monitoring or business activity monitoring not only makes the processes visible and standardized beyond the modelling. It also provides important information on the status, bottlenecks and malfunctions. It is suitable for the requirements of the respective users or departments. Process management cannot be “completed” with the introduction of business process management. It requires continuous monitoring and evaluation of the ongoing processes as well as the derivation of sensible measures to counteract problems and further optimize processes.

Biggest advantages of process monitoring through all-in-one platform

Transparency and benchmarking

  • Real-time view of status and process progress
  • Continuous performance check: target/actual comparison from an internal perspective, but also in comparison to the competition
  • Prioritization of measures on processes with the highest added value

Best alternative to Every Dollar

Increase in process quality

  • Overview of the error rate in the process
  • Identification of the most common errors or bottlenecks
  • Minimizing friction losses at departmental boundaries

Cost Reduction

  • Detailed insights into process costs
  • Analysis of processes or sub-steps with high use of resources (time, material, manpower)

More flexibility

  • Higher reaction speed in case of problems
  • Forward-looking action through learning systems
  • Faster adaptation to changing market and customer requirements

Security and risk reduction

  • Precise process documentation for compliance requirements, audits and certifications
  • Current key figures for internal control systems and escalation management

Since the modern monitoring and evaluation of business processes is data-based and software-supported, the responsibility for process monitoring often lies with the IT departments. However business monitoring is not limited to IT processes. It is a holistic, integrative approach that represents, manages, automates, monitors and analyzes all business-critical processes with IT support. It is for all types of processes in all departments, for example ordering processes in procurement, invoicing processes in accounting, and production processes in manufacturing. In addition, it includes recruiting workflows in the HR department, checkout processes in online shops and lead management in sales.