You can associate any investment in cryptocurrencies with a considerable additional risk in addition to the price risk. If potential leverage effects in speculative products and unplanned price outliers come together, you can ruin yourself in a flash and completely when speculating on crypto exchange rates.
How serious are cryptocurrencies?
The seriousness and motivation of the advocates and users of cryptocurrencies are extremely ambivalent. Light and shadow are close together and sometimes blur. That is why the media and decision-makers have such a hard time with the moral and consequently legal assessment of cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin Immediate software: Are cryptocurrencies useful for your business?
Even if currencies such as Bitcoin continue to regularly multiply their value against the US dollar in the coming months and years, you should only work with this if you delve extremely deeply into the topic. You can work with Bitcoin if you can control risks. This is especially true if larger amounts are to remain in digital wallets over a longer period of time in the form of cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin Immediate software: Without wanting to demonize cryptocurrencies
From today’s perspective, there is much to be said against working with cryptocurrencies in business, whether as an accepted means of payment or as a speculative position. There are numerous other risks of a total loss, such as technical failure of the decentralized infrastructure or large-scale attacks on cryptocurrencies, which are also possible. Your own mistakes in dealing with crypto technology like Bitcoin Immediate software also lead directly to total loss, such as misplacing your own secret crypto key.
In addition, authorities are eyeing the existing cryptocurrencies with a critical eye. Aren’t they ideal tools for ideal activities, for concealing transactions, ultimately for money laundering? The answer to this question is not necessarily yes, but it cannot be answered in the negative either.
Therefore, you should expect, at least in the back of your mind, that you will be more on the radar of authorities and investigators if you publicly embrace cryptocurrencies, for example by accepting them as a means of payment in your online shop.
In principle, you have every right to accept Bitcoin & others as a digital currency. But in this case, find an affiliated tax advisor and document everything more than precisely in order to be able to give the right answers to queries from the tax office.